Sweden to issue green bonds by 2020

Press release 18 July 2019

The Swedish National Debt Office was tasked today by the Government with carrying out an issue of green bonds in 2020 at the latest. The first step will be to set up a framework for the green bonds, which will fund budget expenditure on sustainable investments and projects.

"We are fully committed to implementing this assignment in an effective and transparent way. The effects of the climate and environmental measures that are funded by the State’s green bonds should be easy for investors to follow and evaluate", says Debt Office Director General Hans Lindblad.

The assignment includes working together with the Government Offices to set up the ‘green framework’, which includes defining the expenditure items in the budget that will be funded by the green bonds. The Debt Office shall also analyze how to carry out the issue in an optimal way within the management of central government debt.

The issuance volume shall, according to the assignment, comply with the objective of the debt management and fit well within the volume of green expenditure defined in the budget. The issue can be carried out once the framework is in place and there is a structure for reporting the climate and environmental effects of the expenditures financed by the green bonds.

State to issue green bonds by 2020


Press department at the Debt Office, +46 8 613 47 01

The Swedish National Debt Office is responsible for central government borrowing and debt management. The objective is to minimize the long-term cost of the debt while avoiding excessive risk. The Debt Office borrows mainly by issuing different types of bonds in the Swedish and international capital markets.