News, Press Releases and Publications

Sweden's Central Government Debt June 2024

Publication 5 July 2024 Report – Government debt
Press release: Deficit for Swedish central government in June 2024

In the report “Sweden’s Central Government Debt”, the Debt Office describes the composition of the central government debt at the end of each month. The Debt Office also gives a monthly report on the net outcome of the central government’s revenues and payments (the net borrowing requirement).

Deficit for Swedish central government in June 2024

Press release 5 July 2024 Central Government Borrowing, Government Debt

Swedish central government payments resulted in a deficit of SEK 40.9 billion in June. This was in line with the National Debt Office’s forecast of SEK 39.8 billion.

New resolution plan for central counterparties as of 17 June

Press release 17 June 2024 Financial stability

On 12 June, the Resolution Board decided on a new resolution plan for Nasdaq Clearing that will apply as of 17 June. Every year, the Swedish National Debt Office develops a resolution plan as preparation for being able to manage a central counterparty in crisis effectively.

Sweden's Central Government Debt May 2024

Publication 10 June 2024 Report – Government debt
Press release: Surplus for Swedish central government in May 2024

In the report “Sweden’s Central Government Debt”, the Debt Office describes the composition of the central government debt at the end of each month. The Debt Office also gives a monthly report on the net outcome of the central government’s revenues and payments (the net borrowing requirement).

Surplus for Swedish central government in May 2024

Press release 10 June 2024 Central Government Borrowing, Government Debt

Swedish central government payments resulted in a surplus of SEK 31.6 billion in January. This was lower than the National Debt Office’s forecast of SEK 41.7 billion. The difference is mainly due to higher payments by government agencies and higher net lending.

Compliance with the minimum requirements for own funds and eligible liabilities – Q1 2024

Press release 31 May 2024 Financial stability

Today, the Swedish National Debt Office released its quarterly report on the Swedish systemically important banks’ and other institutions’ compliance with the minimum requirement for own funds and eligible liabilities (MREL) at the end of the first quarter of 2024.

Minimum requirement for own funds and eligible liabilities (MREL) Compliance Q1 2024

Publication 31 May 2024 Report – MREL
Press release: Compliance with the minimum requirements for own funds and eligible liabilities – Q1 2024

In this report, the Debt Office shows how well the systemically important institutions met the set MREL requirements as of the end of the first quarter 2024.

Sweden’s debt increases but at slower rate

Press release 30 May 2024 Central Government Borrowing

Growing expenditure contributes to a budget deficit this year and next year, causing Sweden’s central government debt to rise. However, the weakening of government finances now appears somewhat milder than previously expected. The Swedish National Debt Office’s new forecast does not prompt any...

Central Government Borrowing - Forecast and Analysis 2024:2

Publication 30 May 2024 Report – Central Government Borrowing
Press release: Sweden's debt increases but at slower rate

In this report, the Debt Office presents forecasts for the macroeconomic development and the central government finances in 2024 and 2025. On the basis of these forecasts, the Debt Office calculates the borrowing requirement and sets up a borrowing plan that is also included in the report. The Debt...

Green credit guarantee for loan to Preem

News 20 May 2024 Guarantees and Lending

The Swedish National Debt Office has decided to issue a credit guarantee for a loan to Preem for financing the conversion and expansion of the refinery in Lysekil to increase the production capacity of renewable fuels. The guarantee is provided within the framework of the guarantee scheme for green...
