The Debt Office’s guarantees and lending with credit risk


Guarantees (SEK million)
Öresundsbro Konsortiet 13 706 9 426 8 467 5 437 4 245
Pension guarantees 7 322 7 039 6 481 5 959 5 959
Small and Medium Enterprises 1 796 1 274 567 103 37
Airlines Industry - 180 146 0 0
Green Guarantees - - 1 040 2 400 2 400
Other 1 493 2 124 2 192 2 227 2 218
SUM 24 357 20 043 18 893 16 128 14 859


Lending (SEK million)
A-Train AB 819 804 783 744 695
SVEDAB 5 240 5 490 5 670 5 870 6 096
AB Svensk Exportkredit 10 000 10 000 0 0 0
SAS - Scandinavian Airlines - - 1 500 1 500 1 500
Other 244 289 289 347 342
SUM 16 303 16 583 8 241 8 461 8 633