Guarantee and lending

The Debt Office provides guarantees and loans to both government and private entities following approval by the Riksdag (Swedish Parliament) and the Government. A fee is charged for the service.

Huvudet på en person bakifrån, tittandes på en skärm

Limiting the central government’s risk

The Debt Office publishes an annual risk analysis regarding the central government’s overall guarantees and lending.

Risk analyses
Riksgälden miljö med medarbetare

Public debt and contingent liability management

The Swedish National Debt Office has contributed to a working paper published by the OECD, with the title "The role of public debt managers in contingent liability management". The working paper explores how public debt managers can minimize contingent risks through seven different countries' approaches.

Public debt

How it works

The main principle is that the fee for a guarantee or a loan must correspond to the central government’s expected cost. This includes the cost of an expected credit loss as well as the administrative cost of providing the guarantee or loan.