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Financial stability
The Debt Office’s mandate for financial stability is to manage banks in crisis. This entails responsibility for resolution, the deposit insurance scheme, the investor compensation scheme and precautionary government support.

Fredrik Bystedt
Head of Finacial Stability
The Department for Financial Stability has a staff of around 25 divided into four divisions: Bank Analysis and MREL, Bank Resolution Policy, Central Counterparties, Deposit Guarantee and Investor Compensation Schemes.
Bank Analysis and MREL
The Division is in charge of resolution planning and crisis management for the major cross-border banking groups active in Sweden.
The division’s responsibilities include drafting resolution plans for the Swedish groups, developing methods for implementing a resolution procedure, working with the relevant financial policy and regulatory issues, and representing the Debt Office in various international contexts. The division is also responsible for the resolution fee and matters in connection with the Debt Office’s role as a support authority.
Henrik Smedberg
Head of unit
Bank Resolution Policy
The Division is in charge of crisis management (resolution) of banks and credit institutions within this category, which comprises approximately 160 institutions. The mandate includes assessing which institutions are to be managed through resolution in the event of default, or wound up through bankruptcy or liquidation. If an institution is deemed subject to resolution, a resolution plan is then drawn up that includes the choice of resolution strategy and measures as well as the Minimum requirement for own funds and eligible liabilities (MREL).
Björn van der Veer
Head of unit
Central Counterparties
The Division for Central Counterparties is in charge of resolution planning for central counterparties. They are companies that serve as intermediaries between buyers and sellers in a financial transaction.
Anna Lidberg
Head of unit
Deposit Guarantee and Investor Compensation Schemes
The division is responsible for the deposit insurance and investor compensation schemes. Just over 130 institutions are affiliated to the deposit insurance scheme, and the investor compensation scheme covers just over 200 institutions.
Fredrik Bystedt
Head of Department