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Financial stability
Financial crises are one of the most costly things a society can suffer. If a crisis arises in a bank or another institution, the Swedish National Debt Office is responsible for dealing with the situation.

How do we manage a bank in crisis?
The Debt Office assumes control of a bank or financial institution in crisis if it is deemed to be systemically important. This allows the central government to act quickly and forcefully to manage a financial crisis without jeopardising tax funds.

Resolution of Central Counterparties
Central counterparties have become increasingly important players in financial systems and play an important role for financial stability.
A well-functioning national economy
A serious disruption of the financial system could result in significant costs for Sweden's economy. The effective management of financial crises reduces the costs to society.
This year’s decisions on resolution plans
Effective crisis management of banks and other institutions requires thorough planning. The Resolution Board has made this year’s decisions on resolution plans for the eight systemically important...
Compliance with the minimum requirements for own funds and eligible liabilities – Q3 2024
Today, the Swedish National Debt Office released its quarterly report on the Swedish systemically important banks’ and other institutions’ compliance with the minimum requirement for own funds and...
Nordic Baltic Crisis Simulation Exercise, 2024
To test the preparedness for a potential crisis situation, authorities from the Nordic-Baltic countries responsible for financial stability during this week conducted a financial crisis simulation...
Compliance with the minimum requirements for own funds and eligible liabilities – Q2 2024
Today, the Swedish National Debt Office released its quarterly report on the Swedish systemically important banks’ and other institutions’ compliance with the minimum requirement for own funds and...