Debt Office clarifies how EBA resolvability guidelines will be applied in resolution planning process

News 29 maaliskuuta 2022

On 13 January, the European Banking Authority (EBA) published guidelines on improving resolvability for institutions and resolution authorities. These guidelines take effect on 1 January 2024. The Swedish National Debt Office – which is Sweden’s resolution authority – has previously communicated that the agency intends to comply with the guidelines.

The guidelines introduce an EU-wide minimum standard for resolvability within a number of areas including operational continuity, access to financial market infrastructures, and funding and liquidity in resolution.

In the memorandum “The Debt Office’s application of the EBA’s guidelines for improved resolvability”, the Debt Office describes the purpose, scope, and legal status of the guidelines. The memorandum also describes how the Debt Office will be applying the guidelines as an integral part of the resolution planning.

Memorandum: The Debt Office’s application of the EBA’s guidelines for improved resolvability

The Debt Office has previously published a guidance document on how the guidelines should be interpreted and implemented within certain areas, along with a schedule for the upcoming communication of further clarification from the agency. This guidance document, including the schedule, is available here:

Guidance on resolvability